White Horse Theatre am WHG

White Horse Theatre am WHG

In langjähriger Tradition war am 24. März das White Horse Theatre mit drei englischsprachigen Stücken bei uns zu Gast.

Für unsere Jüngsten ging es mit „The Green Knight“ diesmal um Mut, Einsatzbereitschaft und die Erkenntnis, dass jeder Fehler machen darf.

In der Mittelstufe griff das Stück „Missing Maths“ das allgegenwärtige Thema Klimawandel und die Fridays for Future Proteste auf und stellte die Frage, auf welche Weise Schulen aktiv für die Rettung unseres Planeten eintreten können.

Die Oberstufe durfte eine Umsetzung der klassischen Shakespeare-Komödie „A Midsummer Night’s Dream“ mit romantischen Verstrickungen und magischen Verwandlungen erleben.

Ihre Eindrücke haben unsere Schüler in Blogeinträgen festgehalten:

“The Green Knight” – A Mysterious Play


We’re sure you would like to know if we got bored by a story which is about King Arthur`s knights Gawain and Lancelot.

The play is set in the Middle Ages and it’s about a challenge made by the Green Knight. Sir Gawain accepts the challenge and notices too late that the Green Knight has magical powers. He begins a dangerous trip to the green chapel for one year. But the challenge was just a test where the knights had to show how honourable, brave and loyal to King Arthur they were. To our surprise at the end the Green Knight was Bertilak, the owner of the castle.

Interestingly, the costumes of the actors were great, most of them in the right colours and made by themselves. They spoke loudly and clearly. In the background there was a big picture with forests and castles, really fantastic. The props looked very real, for example Gawain’s sword, the lances, the knights’ helmets, the hunted squirrel and butterfly or the magic belt. There were special effects like the drum roll and cool medieval or sad harp music.

We liked the play a lot because it was always exciting, surprising and never boring. In a few moments it was also pretty funny, so we could laugh. All in all the play was worth seeing.

(class 6s)



“Missing Maths”

A beautiful representation of the not so beautiful climate change


Last Friday, 4 young actors of the White Horse Theater performed a drama in which they responded to the environmental problems we have to face in today’s world. The four protagonists asked themselves how we could solve these problems.

In my opinion, the play was really interesting and funny. Another point that stands out was the interaction with the set. With such little equipment, they managed perfectly to tell where they are and what they were doing. One of the actors played more than 4 roles, with each having their own personality. He did a great job!

But back to the topic of the play. They told us, what problems there are in the world and how to solve them. For example eating less meat, making clothes from alternative materials or building solar panels on the roof of a lot of schools. Although these ideas are not completely new, the play tells a very important message and I would recommend you watching it. And who knows? Perhaps, you will change the world. (:

(Bela, 8s)


“A Midsummer Night’s Dream”

Have you ever seen a live theatre performance that just left you in awe? That's exactly how everyone felt when the White Horse Theatre came to our school to perform „A Midsummer Night's Dream“ by William Shakespeare. From the moment the curtain went up, it was clear that this was going to be something special.

As the actors took to the stage, the energy in the room was electric. You could feel the excitement and anticipation building as they launched into the play, and it wasn't long before the audience was completely captivated by the performance. The cast's enthusiasm and talent were truly contagious, and it was impossible not to get swept up in the story.

The cast of the White Horse Theatre excellently implanted the play and used a lot of humor to create a unique experience. This theatre company is known for their exceptional productions of classic plays, and A Midsummer Night's Dream was no exception. The attention to detail, the impeccable timing, and the overall professionalism of the English origin cast and crew were simply outstanding.

One of the things that really stood out about the White Horse Theatre's performance was how they managed to make the play feel fresh and exciting, even though it has been performed countless times over the years. Their interpretation of the characters and their relationships felt modern and relevant, while still staying true to the original text. It was a true testament to the talent and creativity of everyone involved in the production.

All in all, seeing A Midsummer Night's Dream performed by the White Horse Theatre was an experience that will stay with you forever. It was a reminder of just how powerful live theatre can be, and how it has the ability to transport you to another time and place. If you ever get the chance to see the White Horse Theatre in action, don't hesitate – it's an experience you won't want to miss!

(Lisa, Selina, Christoph, Jahrgang 12)

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